About Me

I am Kaushik Dhar, a hard-working under graduate student pursuing electrical engineering from NIT Agartala. Always excited and keen to learn something new technologies. Interested in problem solving using ds/ algo ,Cloud computing, Web development, Machine-learning .

  • Web Development
    Building Web apps
  • Data Analysis
    Analysis of Raw Data
  • Machine-learning
    Building Machine-learning models
  • Web Development
    Made sorting visualizer & Portfolio website using HTML,CSS,JavaScript.
  • Data Analysis
    Made Olympic Data-Analysis Project using Python(Pandas,Numpy,seaborn,Matplot.lib),jupiter-notebook,streamlit.
  • Machine-learning
    Build an House priceprecdiction model using Python(Pandas,Numpy,seaborn,Matplot.lib),jupiter-notebook (Using Linear Regression).
  • 2016-2017
    Matriculation Education
  • 2017-2019
    Higher-Secondary Education
  • 2020-2024
    Bechelors Of Technology(NITA)

My services

Web Development

Front-end Developer.Done multiple Front-end projects.

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Done multiple data-analysis project on jupiter-notebook(Titanic Data-analysis,Virginia flower data-analysis).

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Made multiple Machine-learning models and deployed them.

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My Work


It is a sorting visualizer app which displays every sorting algorithm with the help of HTML,CSS,JavaScript.

Olympic Data-Analysis-WebAPP

Its a data-analysis Web-app project which displays-1.Medal-tally,2.Overall analysis,3.Country-wise analysis,4.Athlete wise analysis of 120 years of Olympic History.

Book Recommender system

Its a Machine-learning project (Web-app) which Predicts House-Price in Bengaluru based on the famous algorithm linear Regression.

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